Expert Rifleman Coin Holders:
1 – Max Underwood 28.0 *Comp M5 AK-47
2 – Chris Woomer 30.6 *Vortex Razor 1-6
3 – Mark Wallach 38.26 *Nightforce NX8
4 – Brandon Alvarez 65.69 *T2 with 3x & OKW
Origin –
The RifleMan Maker was developed in 2015 by Mark Wallach, Lead Instructor at Spartan Development Group, as a cumulative exercise or drill to test the widest variety of skills with a rifle in a single drill. Its creation was heavily influenced by several instructors I had previously had the honor of training with including Chris Costa, Kyle Lamb, Pat McNamara, Jared Reston, as well as one close personal friend & private contractor who provided the foundation of the drill by introducing me to “the Rundown” (a rifle qualification used by certain government agencies). The Rundown is shot on paper and did not fit one key requirement for little to no reset or down time, so I set out to build a variation of that drill to be shot on steel that would eventually become the RifleMan Maker.
Influence –
Years ago, I had been exposed to one particular method for scoring used by Chris many times in Costa Ludus classes. It was one that Costa would often use to promote competition amongst his students. I Applied that method of scoring, while utilizing techniques taught by Kyle Lamb and others for barricade/sling supported & positional shooting at various yard lines, and incorporating Pat Macs style of integrating Physical Training / Cardio into his drills providing a big ingredient that would have the most effect on one’s overall performance of the drill. In practice, I also borrow a concept from Reston Group that simulates shooting movers at various distances throughout the drill.
Integration –
I often integrate techniques taught by other instructors into the drill such as one specific sling technique to stabilize the rifle taught by Chuck Pressburg, a 4 finger reload used for tactical reloading on the move & in darkness from John Lovell, and a variation of supporting the rifle from the kneeling position when mounted on a barricade from Mike Pannone.
Name –
This exercise gets the “Man Maker” part of its name from the grueling complex performed in Crossfit with dumbbells that incorporates a push-up, single arm row (on each side), a squat clean thruster, and a sprawl, but the goal of this drill is to make Riflemen, and it can be equally grueling. Hence the name, “RifleMAN Maker”.
Purpose –
The RifleMan Maker can serve several purposes. It can be used as:
- A diagnostic tool to evaluate where a shooter is deficient or inefficient
- A Final Culmination exercise at the end of a training event to test skills learned
- A qualification to test shooter competency in a pass/fail format (whether or not they are capable of completing the drill), and beyond that by providing a metric to gauge the shooter’s performance in the form of a Marksmanship Qualification Rating
- A Sustainment Training Exercise to practice the widest variety of skills one can expect to use with a rifle in the shortest amount of time possible, with minimal resources, all in one drill
Scoring –
The RifleMan Maker rewards accuracy over time by harshly penalizing every miss which in a law enforcement context can equal liability & in a military context can result in ineffective fire that needlessly exposes the position of friendly forces by producing unnecessary sound & flash signatures alerting the enemy to the shooter’s firing position.
Skills –
This exercise can, and typically does, test the following skills:
- Fundamentals of Rifle Marksmanship
- The effects of 45° cant and the shooter’s ability to impact C-Zone Steel Silhouettes at 200M using the appropriate hold
- Target transitions
- Shooting through ports
- Building stability in various firing positions
- Engagement of low percentage targets (headshots)
- Sling Manipulation & support techniques
- Manipulation of variable magnification & or brightness settings while on the move
- Confirmation of proper zero for optics and lasers
- Ammo management and reloads (tactical & speed)
- Standing, Kneeling, Sitting, and Prone firing positions
- Firearm safety & weapon manipulations
- Situational awareness with regards to terrain features
- Searching & Assessing
- Recoil management & split times
- Engagement of simulated movers
- Shoulder switching and support side shooting
- Cardio & PT
- Combat breathing / breath management
- Night Vision/Laser or White Light Manipulation
- IR & White Light Discipline
Much like other drills such as Dot Torture with the Pistol or Man Makers in Crossfit, this drill seeks to incorporate as many skills as possible into one drill in order to maximize training when time & resources are limited.
Goals –
It is our firm belief that, for those who rely upon their rifle as the primary weapon to defend themselves and others, constant practice and forward progress towards an expert qualification and beyond will enhance shooter performance, and ultimately contribute to survivability & mission success. The more expert Riflemen the better. Spartan Development Group’s goal is to develop the most capable riflemen.
At the time of this writing, no one has ever shot the drill clean. The most accurate run had 1 miss. Additionally, while no one has done it yet, it is possible to have a negative final score. The few names listed above have the honor of calling themselves an expert Rifleman according to the qualifications of this drill prescribed here:
DNF = Fail
Course Completion = Pass & Rifleman Qualification
300 – 200 = Marksman
200 – 100 = Sharpshooter
Less Than 100 = Expert
Any shooter that has a RifleMan Maker Run with an expert score witnessed in a class or by video submission will receive an Expert RifleMan Maker Challenge Coin with their time engraved on the coin and have their name published here, on this list above, of expert RifleMan.
For video submission, the video needs to be complete from beep to final shot like the video below and must be shot to spec. Target sizes must be C-Zone Silhouettes & 8” circles & the VTAC barricade must be placed @ 218 Yards (200M).
The course of fire is below, get after it!
RifleMan Maker
4 targets @ 200 Meters (218 Yards)
(2) A/C Zone Steel Silhouettes
(2) 8″ Steel Circles
(1) V-TAC Barricade placed @ the 200 (meters)
Load out:
(2) Magazines of 30
Time -10 seconds for every retained round left in the magazines & rifle chamber at the end of the COF.
Start position:
Muzzle touching the barricade
* Upon the buzzer, shooter engages both silhouettes with one hit each from each of the top 4 ports, then moves to the 150.
* At the 150, shooter drops prone and engages both circles with one hit each, then moves to the 100.
* At the 100, shooter engages both silhouettes with two hits each from the kneeling position, and then moves to the 50.
* At the 50, The shooter engages both silhouettes with two hits each and both circles with one hit each from the standing position, and then moves back to the 100.
* At the 100, shooter engages both silhouettes with two hits each from the kneeling position again, and then moves back to the 150.
* At the 150, shooter drops prone and engages both circles with one hit each again, then moves to the 200.
* At the 200, from the standing position, shooter will engage both silhouettes with one hit each while supported on the strong side of the barricade from the strong side shoulder, and again from the support side of the barricade on the support side shoulder.
* Then from the kneeling position, shooter will engage both silhouettes with one hit each while supported on the strong side of the barricade from the strong side shoulder, and again from the support side of the barricade on the support side shoulder.
End Exercise.
Clean Run = 34 Rounds
* For Night Vision or White Light Modification, eliminate the two slotted ports of the barricade from the drill and at the 150 engage the silhouettes with two hits each instead of the circles with one. The prone position can be substituted for sitting.